Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Should you read this blog?

Who am I? I am a mother of three children under the age of four. I am an attorney married to an ER doctor and I live in Texas. I stay at home with my kids all week.

Ads and slogans designed to teach mothers not to shake their kids baffled me for years before I had a kid. Now I totally get why you need to make sure frazzled parents know--Never Never Never shake a baby. Even when it screams all day and all night. Even when you can't sleep. Even when you can't shower, and you haven't slept. Did I mention you haven't slept?

If you don't comprehend the reason such ads should exist, warning even good parents to Never Ever shake a baby, even if you have kids, you shouldn't be reading this blog. You aren't a frazzled mom and you won't be able to understand the language I am speaking.

If you don't speak Russian, do you go looking for Russian blogs to peruse? No. It only makes sense then, that you get off my blogspace if you don't speak frazzledmom*. If you don't think it's a language, you don't speak it. If you speak frazzledmom, this rather confusing verbal vomit will make total sense to you. To those readers, I say, read on my friend. Read on.

* Men can speak frazzledmom too. This happens either with prolonged exposure to wives who are fluent OR through the less common significant (Herculean) effort of a man to support and love a frazzledmom. For instance, significant sleep deprivation, or participation in child rearing can render a man fluent in frazzledmom as well.


  1. Totally speak it. Totally reading.

  2. I speak it too. 3 kids put me right over the edge.

  3. Oh boy, I love you. And that fussy fussy baby of yours. And the screaming ones too.

    I had a frazzled afternoon. Yikes.

    Miss you!
